Urgent update: we need your help!

We have more news and things are getting a lot more shall we say ‘active’ now.

Firstly we had a letter from the owners saying they will be open to our offer if we can raise the funds, their main objection at this point is that we haven’t raised the money. We’ve tried to explain how the process works — we need to know how much to raise so we can write a business plan share offer and raise it!

So now we have been given their word they will consider our offer, should we be able to raise the money, we will be issuing our share offer as soon as the committee can get that work done.

Secondly we will also be asking your support in opposing the planning applications.

One application to build two bungalows on the pub car park is now live and you have a short time to object this.

We have been informed by the owners that they will also be submitting a planning application for Change of Use to a dwelling. The owners say they need to get on with this process in case we cannot raise the money. We say, it will be much harder for us to get the pub for a fair price for the community, if this planning permission goes through and have asked numerous times for them to let us raise the money and then put in for planning if we cannot raise it.

This isn’t going to happen so we are asking for two things:

  1. Help us raise the money (if we don’t get the pub you don’t lose a single penny)
  2. Oppose the planning applications

Here’s the link where you can oppose the planning permission for bungalows: https://planning.cornwall.gov.uk/…/applicationDetails…

If you’re having trouble with objecting to the planning application to build bungalows on the pub car park apparently you can email instead as the site does not work well.

Send an email to planning@cornwall.gov.uk and use this ref: PA21/03652 Land North East Of Prince Of Wales Inn Newtown St Martin Cornwall TR12 6DP make it clear if you want to object

We’ll put the link for the Change of Use application up when it goes through. I’m sharing also on my personal page so feel free to go on there and share or cut and paste this.Thank you

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